Sunday, 21 February 2016

Winter Requiescence

 2016 has been good so far, it's become this wish fulfilling year! Noting big, but small, beautiful, romantic wishes, that I longed for! It may seem funny to some of you, but experiencing a beautiful cold night by the fire place was my dream! And even better, if I could wear a Winter beanie! I had gone into the hills away from the city hustle, and that's where it was, the small little fire place waiting for me, so I could check one thing from the list of things I wanted to experience this year. Yes, this year wish list is not full of things, it's full things I want to experience!

Another one of dreams was leisure time. Time, so you can just sit and do what ever that comes to mind, without watching the clock or looking at checklist. I read this somewhere:
"What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare."
I hope the photographs tell you more of what I want to say, as I am short of words, all I do is smile each time I see these pictures. I don care about the makeup or the lack of it, I just cherish the time. 

Also, I wanted to use this blog post to transition into Spring. Are you guys ready for the new season?

Happy Times to You!



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