Monday 24 August 2015

I was wondering what's your opinion on Amy Jackson and her playing indian girls? Isn't it brown face since she bakes herself with fake tan to look "Indian" love your answers

Obviously, tanning/darkening your skin is not inherently racist but when you’re doing it to pass as a person of color, it’s straight up brownface and it’s not okay.

But I think people concentrate all their hatred on Amy herself and that’s not completely fair. Ideally, she’d be socially conscious enough to turn down these roles. Realistically, though, I don’t expect an aspiring actor to turn down work/a potential pathway to fame and fortune. 

But the people hiring her should know better. She probably thinks she’s incredibly lucky (and she is), but what are filmmakers gaining by hiring her? Someone whose looks they have to alter to fit their role? Someone who can’t speak the language they want her to act in? They’re not lucky to have her, they’re literally just creating more work for themselves. 

I’m not saying people should let her off the hook, I get that she’s basically the visual image of white privilege. But there should be a little less “Ugh, I hate this girl, don’t post pictures of her, she’s the worst!” and a little more “Wow, the adult men who hold almost all the power in this situation and have made the conscious decision to seek her out and put her in films despite the fact that thousands of Indian actresses are looking for work should be held accountable for creating and/or contributing to a culture where white women are put on a pedestal in a way that unnecessarily sexualizes them and actively harms Indian women who don’t get to see themselves represented in the media.”

Because the problem doesn’t go away even if Amy Jackson goes away. She’s just a symptom, not the disease. You could get rid of literally every white girl in Bollywood and shadeism would still be a huge problem.


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